Saturday, February 28, 2015

Refelection post


This is the last post for this assignment, I am to write a reflection on my experience over this writing.

When I first started this blog I hated it, I did  not like doing it and I did not see the point in it. But now that it has been three weeks. I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that I need a place to vent and writing my feelings down is a good way for me to relax. A lot of my post are about me complaining, switch is not good to read but as the person writing it it helped me. I learned that I do my best free writing when I am mad, grated I do not stay on my subject but I get the words out and once I free my mind I can get to the task at hand. I will miss doing this assignment, although I think I will keep doing it. I need a way to clam down and relax and this is a great way to do it. I use to keep a journal but my husband started reading it and that upset me. So I used this blog has my journal and it has helped me remain clam when I normally would freak out and scream at my husband. I do not like that it is public but I think there is a way to make it private so it is not on the internet. At the beginning I struggled with opening up and letting my feelings out, I know I could have decided to do the blog differently but at the time I felt this was the best for me, and it has helped me. I do not feel as stressed before and I have somewhere to free my mind that my husband will not read. My success with this blog would being able to write about my feelings better and have a better understanding of free writing. I truly enjoyed this assignment. I do not know if my writing has changed but I know I am better at free writing. I think I still struggle with spelling and proper punctuation, and possible using the right words for what I am trying to say.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

taking test


I had my first and second porter test today. I had one in math then one in my computer class. I did the math test first, and i think I failed it. I walked in the room told the lady the test I need to take and then I went to set down and I forgot everything. I think nervous got the best of me. Normally when I take a test it is in the classroom with the other students and the teacher. this is my first semester taking online classes and taking the test is a little different then if you were to take classes online.Then I took the second one switch turned out just to be a quiz, and I only missed two on that. So I am sure the different subject helped me, math is my worst subject. I just do not understand it, I look at the problem and my mind goes what the heck and I am lost. I wish I could do math but I can not.  I have tired and tired, I just can not understand it. I get the basic just not the algebra part. I know a lot of other people have this same problem. I think it is just how our brain is wired. But I have to pass this class even thoe I do not need it for what I am doing, I even have had a adviser tell me that I do not need this class but the degree calls for it so there for I have to have it.



Dear AT&T,

My husband called just to change his number to a tablet, that was all. It is suppose to be something simple and not hard to handle. But some how your employee messed it up. How, I would love to know and why you cant fix it, I would really love to know. I have called you know three times and even went to a store and you still can not explain to me why she added a line with out permission and you can not remove it, but you wont tell me why you cant. I tell you that I am not paying for it, and you say that is fine it will fall off in a month and no charges will accrue. So I will wait this month and see what happens, if your right okay, if your wrong I feel sorry because I will be even more up set then the first time I called. I know you have gave me money off my bill and I know you decreased my bill every month now, because of all of this, But that is not the point. The money is not the problem, the problem is your agent did something without permission on my account and I am very upset/ mad over it. This was something simple the lady even said this. I know you recorded this call and I don't understand why you cant listen to the call and then fix the problem, why do I have to wait 30 days for this to be fixed.

things are getting real


I started my morning with my sister texting me and telling me that I need to reinstall my Facebook so she do can my baby shower. She has set the date and everything, so I did and she created the even page. I am so nervous. My due date is in 12 weeks. So with in 12 weeks my son will be here and here I am trying to go to school and focus on that when something so scary and exciting is going on. At the same time my due date is the same week of my finals. so this should be interesting. I am starting to get stressed because his room is not at all ready. But at the same time I don't want to set it up to early. I think John is feeling the same why, he said last night that we needed to get his room together. I have so much on my mind, the things are everything with the baby, school, work, things with my husband. I just do not know when to take of work, what I should do about school and when i talk to my teachers and boss they all say wait and see what happens. That does not help at all. My mind is freaking out but I stay clam because at the end of the day the most important thing is my son. It is hard to think that our son will be here in 12 weeks. I am so scared and nervous. I do not know what to expect and I do not know what to think. I have so many mixed feelings. But I think it will be worth it when he gets here. I am so excited to meet him and to be able to hold him. The feelings I feel are confusing, I am so scared but so excited at the same time.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

learning a lesson

This is something that was hard for me to realize. ever since I have been pregnant I have not treated my husband the best. He also has not treated me the best. I made the decision the other day to stop letting things build up so when I talk to him I yell at him. I have been doing this for about a week now. Out fights have been a lot less. we had been fighting once a day  and it was not over anything important. He use to hurt my feelings by inviting his friends over all the time. There was one over every day and they wanted to spend the night. This made me mad because I wanted to spend time with him just the two of us before our son gets here, and the fact that his friends are from 23-30 and they wanted to spend the night at our apartment cripped me out. Then one asked if he could move in. I was like really what the heck is wrong with these people. But I talked to John about my feelings and I am going to express how I feel when I get up set when it first happens and let it stay bottled up inside. I had a dream that he was going to leave me and it made me wake up and realize that there are more important things to fight over.

Family essay edited

Misty Peak
English 101
Kelly Anthony
13 February 2015
                I am going to write about family and what family means to me. I have had a very close family for the majority of my life, up until a few months ago that is. Then my mother decided to leave my dad after 25 years of marriage all because she claims to be in love with a guy she dated at the age of fourteen. I have learned that family is not always blood related to you and sometimes the people that are blood related to you can hurt you the worst.
                My mother left my dad in September my husband (John) and I told her she could stay with us and she told us no. I understood that she then moved in with her brother and told all of that side of the family that she had no were to go and she was homeless. Mind you John and I had offered her place to live. So then I found out that I was pregnant and I told her, the response I got broke my heart and I don’t know how to get over it. She said well you screwed up your life and have fun living with your dad. My sister and father were both very supportive and have been. But my mother the person I thought would be happy for us told me that.
                After a few months of her calling I finally answered and told her, I told her that she had no right to talk to me that way and made more money than we do and she still asked to borrow money when she has a few bills. John and I have more bills and make less money and she still wants to borrow money. I told her she had no right calling me and I wanted an apology.
                This is the moment when I realized that family is not what I had thought it was. Also the people in your family do not have to be blood related to you. They can be your best friend, my family has changed over the past few months. My best friend is like a sister to me, between her my real sister, my father and John those are the people that got me through what happened with my mother.  I still talk to my mother just not near as much and honesty the only reason why I do is because my father asks me to.M y parents are not back together (even thoe my dad wants her back.) his because he me wants me to talk to her, the reason being he says he wants me to have no regrets if something happens, she is my mom and there for blood.
                My new found family is amazing and I would not change about them. The new family is my friends, my sister and her family, my dad and my husband and son on the way. Now family means to me anyone who can be there for you at any time just because they want to be and not because they have to be. So what is your outlook on family?



When I was a child I use to watch cartoons every Sunday. The cartoons I use to watch were lunny toons, scooby-doo, duck tales, goof troop. Now I still like those cartoons even thoe I am a adult, but I can not find them on television. I know time changes and what "back then" kids liked is not the same as what they like now. I look at the cartoons now and I don't see how like them, they are full of violence and things that are dumb (in my opinion) I do not understand why my nice needs to watch a show about kids being adopted or being sperated at birth. I mean my cousins use to watch power rangers, teenage mutant ninja turtles and chip and dale resource rangers, these cartons I can not find any where.