Tuesday, February 24, 2015

taking test


I had my first and second porter test today. I had one in math then one in my computer class. I did the math test first, and i think I failed it. I walked in the room told the lady the test I need to take and then I went to set down and I forgot everything. I think nervous got the best of me. Normally when I take a test it is in the classroom with the other students and the teacher. this is my first semester taking online classes and taking the test is a little different then if you were to take classes online.Then I took the second one switch turned out just to be a quiz, and I only missed two on that. So I am sure the different subject helped me, math is my worst subject. I just do not understand it, I look at the problem and my mind goes what the heck and I am lost. I wish I could do math but I can not.  I have tired and tired, I just can not understand it. I get the basic just not the algebra part. I know a lot of other people have this same problem. I think it is just how our brain is wired. But I have to pass this class even thoe I do not need it for what I am doing, I even have had a adviser tell me that I do not need this class but the degree calls for it so there for I have to have it.

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