Saturday, February 28, 2015

Refelection post


This is the last post for this assignment, I am to write a reflection on my experience over this writing.

When I first started this blog I hated it, I did  not like doing it and I did not see the point in it. But now that it has been three weeks. I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that I need a place to vent and writing my feelings down is a good way for me to relax. A lot of my post are about me complaining, switch is not good to read but as the person writing it it helped me. I learned that I do my best free writing when I am mad, grated I do not stay on my subject but I get the words out and once I free my mind I can get to the task at hand. I will miss doing this assignment, although I think I will keep doing it. I need a way to clam down and relax and this is a great way to do it. I use to keep a journal but my husband started reading it and that upset me. So I used this blog has my journal and it has helped me remain clam when I normally would freak out and scream at my husband. I do not like that it is public but I think there is a way to make it private so it is not on the internet. At the beginning I struggled with opening up and letting my feelings out, I know I could have decided to do the blog differently but at the time I felt this was the best for me, and it has helped me. I do not feel as stressed before and I have somewhere to free my mind that my husband will not read. My success with this blog would being able to write about my feelings better and have a better understanding of free writing. I truly enjoyed this assignment. I do not know if my writing has changed but I know I am better at free writing. I think I still struggle with spelling and proper punctuation, and possible using the right words for what I am trying to say.

1 comment:

  1. No worries. Complaining is perfectly okay. I am glad to read that this is a good healing experience for you. I call this venting you write of a writing what's in the way freewrite. It is an excellent tool. I hope you will keep writing in some format in order to continue to benefit from this valuable tool. All that aside, you should be pleased with the fluency you have gained and the writing you have collected here. Nice work. ~Ms. A.
